Tuesday, February 12, 2013

12 Animals That Mate For Life


             Need some marriage counseling? Maybe you should contact one of these top 5 animals that mate for life. I have found a wide range of animals that stay with the same partner throughout their life span. From Monkeys to Swans love is truly in the air. There is a total of 12 different animals that participate in pair bonding for life. I've picked 5 to really go into detail about.
             Number 1 on the list is the Albatross. The Albatross is a large seabird from the southern oceans and North Pacific area, they are absent from the North Atlantic area. The Albatross is one of the largest flying birds in the world with a wingspan reaching up to 12ft. These fancy birds use "ritualised dances" to attract their perfect mate. After showing off for eachother they finally choose a mate which they stay with for the rest of their life. Breeding season for the Albatross can be quite tricky. The season can take over a year to complete from laying to fledging with the result of only one egg each season. Over 21 species of Albatross are recognised by IUCN, 19 are threatend with extinction. A Laysum Albatross named "wisdom" was recognised as the oldest bird in the world; she was abanded in 1956. 

       Number 2 is the Barn Owl. This lovely bird can be found in the United States and India. Alot of people think owls hoot, but they actually scream. The owl can produce characteristics of a shree scream, which can be ear shattering at very close range. The male tries to attract his potential mate with a shrill twitter of vocals. Once he has found the one they're with eachother til the end. Barn Owls usually breed every 4-5 months laying up to 7 eggs although that many are never seen.

   Number 3 is the Gibbon also known as the Lesser Monkey. They are relatives of the Ape. Gibbons are found in tropical and subtropical rainforrests. Gibbons are masters of their primary mode of locomotion by being able to swing up to 50ft at a speed higher than 34mph. The Gibbon can also leap up to 8ft. The Monkey usually walks around with his arms in the air to keep his balance. Gibbons are very social animals and strongly territorial. Seeing the lesser monkeys at the zoo can be quite an experience they sure will let you know when your to close. Gibbons sing a solo to attract their potential mate. The song can used to identify not only which species of Gibbon is singing, but also the area from which it comes. Once paired they have one of the strongest bonds in the animal kingdom
     Number 4 is my favorite the Grey Wolf.  Wolves are very social animals, traveling in nuclear families consisting of a mated pair and the pair's adult offspring. The wolf is the most researched animal in the world with more books written about it than any other animal species. Wolves do have a long history with humans. Many wolves have been hunted in agricultural communities due to attacks on livestock. Although most attacks have occured mainly from rabies. Wolves are one of the most respected animals by Native Americans. The Native Americans believe the wolf to be very loyal to his family much like the dog which are closely related. Wolves are mongamous with mated pairs that last for life unless one dies. 
 Last but not least is the one we all know about, the Swan. The Swan is the largest member of the waterfowl family and are also among the largest flying birds. Swans form socially monogamous pair bonds from as early as 20 months that can last for life. Bonds are maintained year round even during migration when flying in large flocks. Mating starts with one of the most beautiful dances ever done by an animal. Swans can be very aggressive when protecting their nest it has been reported that some have even drowned people for getting to close.
     Now that you know a little about my top 5 out of 12 here are the rest that form bonds for life beavers, french angelfish, bald eagles, praire voles, shingleback skinks, penguins, and termites. 

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